“Runaway Hounds”, a four-piece indie-rock band from Wolverhampton, have been steadily building a following in the two years since they debuted. In that time, the two songs they have released (‘Rattlesnake’ and ‘Sophie’) have been met with great enthusiasm. As a result, and due to a coordinated social media campaign, their third single ‘Nightlight’ has dropped surrounded by a lot of hype from their fans.

Written and composed by frontman Owen Stavenuiter, ‘Nightlight’ describes a time in his life where his sleeping pattern was flipped on its head: an experience not foreign to a lot of university students. Stavenuiter channels that well-known frustration of a loosening grip on reality into lyrics with a hint of the surreal. Owen’s twin, Kent, offers up moreish and almost ethereal riffs on lead guitar which certainly add to the dream-like feel of the single. Not to be forgotten is Callum Ford’s funky work on the drums, which coupled with the great bassline by Dan Glover, have kept me coming back again and again.
Overall, ‘Nightlight’ combines exciting musical talent with a catchy chorus for a tune you’ll be humming for days. Whilst clearly in the same wheelhouse as their previous two singles, the change of pace it offers from their earlier work is welcome – and shows their versatility from such an early stage. I’m excited to see where the Hounds go next as they refine their sound and increase their skills through these early releases. Also, it looks like we won’t be waiting long with another single promised to be on its way later this year.