It was no unusual day for The Bodega; through the years, they’ve led many a famous face up the staircase and into the boutique venue. Jake Bugg? Sure thing. Saint Raymond? Of course. The Bodega are used to it. Yet, every time a local act comes around, it still leaves a tingle down your spine when the first and last note strikes. Sometimes in life, there’s no more beautiful moment than witnessing a homegrown artist get up on stage and absolute kill it. Tonight was no exception.
Known to some as local lads Liam and Robin; known to thousands as up-and-coming electronic duo Shelter Point. In just a short space of time, these two humble musicians have gone from strength to strength. Having met in Coventry during drama class at the innocent age of 13, their musical path brought them to this moment. Ahead of the release of their stunning new single ‘Glass Into Gold’, Shelter Point were ready and raring to indulge their crowd with a spectacular set including both new and old tracks – and when we say ‘new’, we mean we were literally witnessing the virginity of these stellar tracks disperse into the atmosphere before our very eyes. These tracks were barely out of the studio’s womb and boom, impure.
So, hopefully now I’ve set the semi-disturbing scene …
From the get go, we the crowd were treated to all of the exceptional back catalogue tracks that turned us into Shelter Point fans. Standout tunes included ‘I’m Not Breathing’ and ‘Fossil’, two tracks that to call them bangers would be an insult. The beauty of these guys music is that they’re not chart-ready bangers, they’re not Saturday night main room bangers, they’re so much more. Each track is so delicately and intricately layered that it’s a surprise they’re not up for commission in The Louvre. They’re works of art. Seriously. Some say music is meant to be heard with the ears; I’d argue the case that music is meant to be heard with the mind. When a track can do that to a person, especially live, that’s when you’re turning heads.
You can tell these boys are respected locally. We knew there was a special guest to surprise us all, but to bring on Leah of Nottingham 4-piece Keto was an absolute pleasure. Since moving here, these guys have been making friends with a tonne of local musicians and to be rewarded with being able to bring your close friends on stage with you to a home crowd must have felt incredible – the crowd sure as hell loved it!
Shelter Point straddled the stage like they owned it. It was like AP McCoy meets Karl Froch – they rode the set like absolute champions but they didn’t half pack a punch at certain points. Take ‘Pale’ for example. The acoustic rendition of their upcoming B-side track left the crowd in absolute awe; it was stunning. It was as if they’d been touring for decades. The understanding and blending together of the duo’s contrasting talents is a sheer masterpiece. If you’d walked into the room there and then, you’d struggle to comprehend just how fresh to the scene these two guys are.
For a live set with a lot to control, you’d think the crowd would feel distanced from the act as both Liam and Robin are always focussing on the task at hand. Yet, you couldn’t be more wrong. What their unique set brings is a sense of emotional intimacy that no heartfelt ballad or Snow Patrol song could ever even scratch the surface of. Each song has such a genuine deep meaning that you find yourself being transported along their experimental, mesmerising journey with them. Liam’s husky, soulful voice has the rare power to control your emotions as each song rings out. Robin on the other hand, has the producing power to infect every muscle in your body and leave you in a weightless trance of blissful swaying and gentle foot-tapping. Together, and like I mentioned in my interview with the duo, you’ve got the perfect recipe to success. I’m expecting astronomical things from these guys and I’d bet you a serious wad of cash that my hunch comes true.
By Luke Matthews