Despite being touch and go as to whether the gig would go ahead, Ashfields return to Nottingham for the last time in a “very, very very long time” to headline Rescue Rooms with support from The Nix, Silver Wilson and George Gadd.
George Gadd opened the show to a very empty venue, but that quickly began to fill when the music started to play. The heavy guitar combined with emotive vocals drew people in and couple with the jokey behaviour between songs led to a smooth performance, surprisingly even when proclaiming at the end that God doesn’t exist. The second support were Silver Wilson, a three-piece indie-pop band from Leeds/Nottingham. They have a summery, tropical indie vibe about them similar to Fickle Friends which got the audience dancing along and beginning to relax and get warmed up for the later bands. The three seemed very comfortable on a stage that size and would be a group to look out for over the coming months. The third and final support were The Nix who took the stage with singer Nathan wearing some chef like trousers which weren’t the only thing to grab the audience’s attention. Their sound was unique but got the audience energised and by the end of their performance, everybody was hyped up and ready for Ashfields.
Finally, after some interesting song choices for their build up music, ASHFIELDS took the stage. They opened with “Save Me” and immediately the crowd were jumping up and down and singing along. The continued to play “Tonight” and then their most popular song “Is It Alright Now” which took the crowd to another level. The tone then changed with the slower “It’s Me Not You” which began acoustic but progressed to a crescendo with the whole band back to playing. The rest of the set picked up the pace and the energy ending with their newest single “We Don’t Talk” but that wasn’t quite the end. They came back on with an encore of “Eclipse” which ended with half of the band among the crowd and the whole venue bundling around to get a view and enjoy the last moments of the gig.
Overall, the show was a perfect way for ASHFIELDS to say bye to Nottingham for now before they start their “new adventure” which has been eluded to on social media. They play numerous festivals over the summer so watch out as this is definitely a band that you won’t regret seeing.