A few hours before the last planned show of ASHFIELDS’ June tour, I joined them behind the scenes to discuss their latest single “We Don’t Talk”, their exciting festival line up this summer, and even more exciting plans past the summer.
Firstly, as people may know, this June tour almost didn’t go ahead but the group put in a lot of effort to make sure the fans still had something to enjoy meaning the Rescue Rooms show was open to anybody with a ticket for any show that was scheduled on the tour. Guitarist Carl explained that when he found out that none of the tour dates had been officially booked he thought it was a joke and couldn’t believe what was happening. The band praised the support from venues and fans which meant that shows could still go ahead or be rescheduled.
With Nottingham as their hometown, the boys wanted to prove that nothing could hold them back and as their twitter handle says, they really are “The Best Band in the World from Nottingham”. They described the atmosphere of Newcastle as something else, and their after-show antics seemed to match that too, which added to the excitement for the Rescue Room headliner.
It can be competitive in the music industry especially with the amount of indie-pop boy bands that are on the music scene now, but ASHFIELDS stand out in bringing their unique sounds as well as the obvious hard work that they put into their music. However, it isn’t just the drive ASHFIELDS have which makes them stand out, it’s their infectious optimism and aim to enjoy themselves and the moments they’ve worked hard to achieve. There is no act or false faces on any of the members as they are all genuinely nice people.
The June tour followed the release of new single “We Don’t Talk” which featured a video addressing mental health issues to raise awareness. Tom was pleased and relieved that he hadn’t seen any negative comments about the new single as the video was considered a little controversial, but Carl said that they’ve shown people that they “can talk about mental health and will”
The June tour is just the start of a busy summer that ASHFIELDS have ahead of them, playing lots of festivals all over the country including Jimmy’s Festival, Y Not, Mansion on the Moon and Splendour. When asked which one they were most excited about, Y Not was the obvious answer but with further discussion it became clear that each member was most looking forward to a different festival.
It doesn’t stop at festivals either, when advertising their Rescue Rooms show, ASHFIELDS commented that they will not be back in Nottingham for a “very, very very long time” due to a “new adventure” which the boys were hesitant to talk about in too much detail. However, it seemed that a possible album and maybe a change of base was on the cards, so time will tell just what exactly ASHFIELDS have planned.
However, when asked where the band see themselves in five years, it seemed that the general idea was to see how things go rather than any concrete plans, but with the ultimate goal of playing Glastonbury. Other suggestions were Carl joking that he will have lost it by then and Dev appearing on Piers Morgan’s Life Stories for numerous reasons.
So be sure to catch an ASHFIELDS performance if you can this summer and look out for new and exciting changes to come in the near future.
To find out how their Rescue Rooms performance went, have a read here: